Aged 14-19? Keen to push your engagement with art to another level?
Join JHG Youth Collective for the autumn / winter programme, exploring themes of HOME, BELONGING, IDENTITY and PLACE using ACTION, OBJECT, INSTALLATION and EVENT as agents of production, in dialogue with the gallery’s exhibitions.
JHGYC is a collaborative group of young artists who come together to bounce ideas, subvert traditions, and experiment within an expanded practice; supported by creative provocateur, The Art Nerd aka artist Emma Moxey.
Session 1 on 14 September sees the collective meeting for an art walk, exploring place-relation through concrete poetry, rock cairns, and photography, inspired by Bella Riza’s film Evde (2018).
Drop into the gallery on 14 September at 2:30pm or email [email protected] for more info!
Sessions: 2:30pm-4:30pm
14 September
28 September
12 October
26 October
9 November
23 November
7 December
21 December
Have a listen to the Collectives playlist!
“Everyone here wanted different sounds so we decided to create a playlist.
It was made spontaneously during our meetings. It was a way of getting to know each other and sharing”
Recommended shuffled, made in collaboration with artist Flora Duley.