Panel Discussion Food Provision in Southampton

Panel Discussion with researchers from University of Southampton and Koestler Arts, November 2023.

Hear a panel of local experts discuss food provision and poverty in Southampton.


Speakers include Dr Jenny Baverstock from University of Southampton, Victoria Ugwoeme, founder of Feed the Community, and Public Health Practitioner Ravita Taheem.

This free event is part of our Community Takeover, which celebrates the ideas and talents of local people in Southampton. To find out more, please click here.

Doctor Jenny Baverstock is a Principal Enterprise Fellow in the Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences at the University of Southampton. Jenny is currently working alongside other researchers, Public Health practitioners and stakeholders in the city to co-produce a local action plan to support a system change to create a healthy sustainable local food environment.

Victoria Ugwoeme is a community activist, youth project leader and radio presenter. Victoria is the founder of Feed the Community project in Southampton, which provides free redistribution of excess food, social prescribing, skills acquisition, activities and aims to promote a healthier and happier community.

Ravita Taheem is a Senior Public Health Practitioner at Southampton City Council and a visiting Academic at the University of Southampton. At Southampton City Council Ravita leads on tackling childhood obesity and work to develop a local food partnership approach for creating a healthier local food environment.

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