Community Takeover Call Outs Food for Thought!

John Hansard Gallery invites people from across Southampton to send us your favourite kitchen disco tunes, photographs of food, family recipes, or donate your old cookbooks!

Please email songs, photographs and recipes to [email protected].


Spotify Playlist
Add a song to our Spotify Playlist for this year’s Community Takeover. Visitors can listen to a new selection of songs each month in the ‘Takeover Kitchen’, designed by our youth group, JHG Collective.

Click the link here to add your tune to the Playlist, or send us an email with the artist and song title. All songs are welcome!

Food Photographs
Send us photographs of food that you have cooked, eaten or grown. Images will be added to a slideshow in the ‘Takeover Kitchen’.

All meals and food welcome, and photographs can be old or new.

Cookbook Swap
Donate your old cookbooks to our Community Takeover and swap it for another one!

All books in any language are welcome. Find the cookbook shelf in the ‘Takeover Kitchen’.

Favourite Family Recipes
Send us your favourite family recipes, letting us know why they matter to you. Submissions will be included in our Community Cookbook, on display as part of our Community Takeover.

Recipes can be in your first language and typed or handwritten. We would prefer to receive original family recipes, rather than recipes from cookbooks or websites.

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