In line with advice from Public Health England, John Hansard Gallery will be closed until further notice

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British Sign Language Tour and Workshop of asweetsea With Martin Glover

Exploring ideas about access, memory, and senses, join Martin Glover, a Deaf Architect and facilitator, for a British Sign Language tour of asweetsea by Liza Sylvestre.


asweetsea by American artist Liza Sylvestre is an exhibition that explores the artist’s deafness within their family life. Liza has reworked her favourite childhood cartoon (A Sweet Sea, c.1985) to now include subtitles given by her 6-year-old child, who describes to Liza what can be heard and seen on screen.

The exhibition also includes drawings that compare the building of Lego to the assembling of cochlear implants, alongside resin sculptures that are a fusion between cochlear implants and objects from the cartoon.

Explore ideas about access, memory, and senses in a post-tour workshop. Refreshments provided.

Martin Glover, manages Digitspace, a project which champions better visual arts access for sign language users outside London.

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